Swimming and Water Safety Showcase
29 May 2024 - Activities, Aquatics, Athletics, Athletics, Activities, Aquatics, Elementary, Global Citizens, lsnepal, Pillar: Compassionate Global Citizens and Leaders, Pillar: Confidence and Competence to Pursue Dreams, Pillar: Passion for Learning, Pillar: Stewards of the Environment, Recent, Swimming
Elementary swimming and water safety classes have been learning crucial swimming and water safety skills. Students demonstrated key life-saving techniques to parents, including:
1. Always swim with a buddy
2. Use a buoyant object to throw and rescue or any durable material to reach and rescue.
3. Float on your back, wave, and yell for help if in danger.
Parents also had the opportunity to practice rescuing their students.
Students also showcased the swimming progressions they have learned during season 1 and season 2 HPE classes, as well as our ASA program.