Week 4 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
The kids showed great interest when listening and talking about the book “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”. They especially enjoyed the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) activity, where they were given ten straws and six pipe cleaners to create a raft that would hopefully float with a weight. They then tested whether their rafts would float in a water tub. When working on this activity, they were given very little instruction on how to create the raft. It was an opportunity for them to be creative and problem solve.
- The kids have worked on reading on their own and with a partner.
- They are practicing reading the pictures of nonfiction books, or as we call them in class “Learn About the World” books.
- The kids have learned to hunt for words within their books
The kids have learned:
- How to plan before writing
- Add labels
- Use an alphabet chart to help add sounds to the paper
- How to use a partner to help add to their writing
- How to stretch out words and write all the sounds they hear.
- The kids have begun adding labels to their pictures.
- How to use the word wall
- Manipulated play dough to make numbers five and six
- Played “I have…Who has….?” With very little guidance
- Measured how tall their partner is using string
- Counted on Ten-Frames (numbers 1-20)
- Introduced to even and odd numbers
Science/Social Studies
- The kids continue to practice the rules and expectations of the class.
- We’ve discussed the following question:
- Are all rules good?
- The kids constructed arguments to support their yes or no answer.
- Are all rules good?
- The kids continue to do “Turn and Talk” with a partner
The kids learned how to:
- Airdrop
- Use Drawing Pad
- Take pictures
Early Release Day is Wednesday, September 6. The students will be dismissed at 11:50am.
If your child gets the lunch provided by the canteen, please remember to submit the lunch order this weekend. Also, contact the front office by 9:30am if you need to cancel a lunch order in the future for any reason.
On Wednesdays we will go to the library, where the kids can check out books and take them home to read. Please be sure to send them back each Wednesday so that your child can check out new books.
PE is on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please remember to send your child with their swimming costume, towel, and goggles.
Take Home Folder
Please send the folder back with your child each day.
This weekend, I would recommend logging into Raz-Kids so that your child may listen to different stories. Also, any lesson under the measurement section on IXL would reinforce what we did this week in class.
Kindest Regards,
Colleen and Tripta