Week 19 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
Happy New Year to everyone. It was a fun-filled week learning about everyone’s winter break. The kids loved sharing all the things they did. We got back to our regular classroom routine very easily, the kids came to school eager to learn.
In reading, we focused on reading independently while trying different strategies to figure out tricky words. We also continued with our small reading groups where the kids were able to focus on specific skills to help improve their fluency and understanding.
In writing, the kids wrote about their winter vacation. They practiced the writing steps they learned the first semester. The kids also wrote about their new year goals. Some of those goals include tying their own shoes, writing neater, and reading more books.
In math, we continue to solve addition number stories. The kids also went on a shape walk outside. The purpose was to recognize shapes in real-life. They enjoyed taking pictures of the shapes with their iPads.
In science, we began our unit about animals. The kids have enjoyed learning about different animals and having some of their questions answered. They are a very curious group and want to learn all about reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish, and birds. They are also learning how to research an animal on their own. They chose an animal to learn about during library this week. They have read their books and added sticky notes to mark important pages. They will learn how to organize their information and later turn it into a poster to share with others.
In social studies, we have defined, discussed, and identified needs and wants. The kids enjoy sharing all the things they would like.
Kindest Regards,
Colleen and Tripta