Week 5 Update
It was a great start to the month of September. The kids are working on their daily routines seamlessly. They are able to guide themselves around their center rotations and solve simple problems, like what to do when they run out of paper during writing.
In your son/daughter’s yellow folder there is a list of five sight words, we call them snap words, that he/she worked on this week. These are words that he/she is learning to say and spell in a snap. I encourage you to ask him/her about the words and look for them in stories that you read. Also, there is a “My Number Book” which is a book he/she worked on in math. The kids have been focusing on the numbers 0-10 these past two weeks. Please remember to return the yellow folder with your son/daughter on Monday.
As readers, the kids continue to build their stamina reading independently and with a partner. The kids practiced “adding a pinch of them” when sharing a book with a partner. They tell their partner what he/she thinks of a page that stands out. The kids also practiced reading nonfiction texts using their “teacher voice.” This is where they read with confidence and tell others about what their book has taught them.
The kids continue to work on their narrative writing. They are drawing detailed pictures and adding labels. This week the kids learned to stretch out their words by saying them slowly and writing each sound that he/she hears.
Daily, the kids focus on a “Number of the Day” which they seem to enjoy as they get to be detectives when hunting for numbers in their math books. They continue to practice describing shapes by their sides and vertices.
This week in Social Studies, the kids were briefly introduced to brainstorming problems and solutions. The kids thought of problems they see in the world around them and then discussed possible solutions.
Please remember to order your son/daughter’s snack/lunch online, if they take a snack/lunch from the canteen.
If you have any questions please email me.
Important Dates
LSPA coffee afternoon (3 pm-4 pm in the Maker’s Space) – September 14th
Parent-Teacher Conferences – Friday, October 5, 2018
Dashain Holiday (No School) October 15-19
Spirit Week – October 22-26
SAISA – October 25-27
P1 Schedule
Monday – Art & Music
Tuesday – Library, PE & Music
Wednesday – PE & Art
Thursday – Music & Art
Friday – PE & Music