Week 6 in G1!
Wow, six weeks of school finished already! I am already seeing lots of good progress this year.
This week we launched our Reading Centers for the first time. Kids are Listening to Reading, doing Word Work, Reading to Someone, and practicing Poetry during this time right now. Ask your student how Reading Centers went this week and which center is his/her favorite! Log in on the LS website and then check out our G1 class news for photos!
Students met their Grade 5 buddy for the first time this week! The classes got together and students read and talked about books with one another. G1 and G5 will continue to partner together for projects, celebrations, and learning opportunities throughout the year. Log in on the LS website and find these photos on the class news, too!
We worked hard in writing to plan our stories by touching and telling what happened across each page and then adding sketches to help us remember each part. Students learned that writers always follow these steps as a habit when beginning a new story.
In math this week we practiced using counting on as a strategy to solve problems and play games. We learned how to use change-to-more diagrams to model number stories. Next week they will try using change-to-less diagrams. Students will take the Unit 2 math assessment next week on Thursday and Friday. Practicing the highlighted topics on IXL can help your student prepare at home.
In social studies we talked about how families do special things together, like celebrate holidays and participate in traditions. Talk with your student about the kinds of celebrations and traditions that are a part of your family!
As you may have read in the Lincoln news emails this week, Parent-Teacher Conferences are being held on Friday, October 6th from 8:00am-4:00pm. This is not a regular school day, but a chance for parents and teachers to talk about student progress. The link to sign up for a conference time online will be emailed out on Wednesday, September 20th.
ASAs are cancelled on Friday, September 22nd. For students in paid ASAs, Ms. Chettri will be in touch.
Upcoming important dates:
- Wednesday 9/20 – Parent-Teacher Conference online sign-ups begin
- Friday 9/22 – Fabulous Friday assembly at 8:00am in the Globe Theater, no ASAs
- Monday 9/25 to Friday 9/29 – Dashain Break, no school
- Thursday 9/21- Last day of swimming during PE
- Friday 10/6 – Parent-Teacher Conferences