Week 11 in G1!
Yesterday we recorded reading aloud our social studies family artifact stories on iPads. Come to our Celebration of Learning to view the videos!
On Wednesday 11/1, Grade 1 is hosting a Celebration of Learning! Students are excited to share their hard work in reading, writing, and social studies with you. Please join us in our classroom at 8:15am.
If you haven’t already and you’d like to participate, email Mr. O’Sullivan, the librarian, a “shelfie” of your student with his/her favorite book, as per the instructions in the Literacy Week message on Tuesday.
If there are any changes in your child’s attendance or dismissal routines (such as playdates), please be sure to email both me and Miss Pragya to let us know. Thank you to parents who have been keeping us informed.
For an upcoming project, we are collecting long paper towel tubes. If you finish a roll of paper towels at home, please send the empty tube to school.
- Friday 10/27 – Last day of ASA Season 1
- Monday 10/30 – ASA Season 2 sign-ups begin
- Monday 10/30 – Literacy Week Kick-Off Assembly at 8am in the amphitheater
- Tuesday 10/31 – Book Character Dress-Up Day
- Wednesday 11/1 – Celebration of Learning in G1 at 8:15am
- Monday 11/6 – ASA Season 2 begins