Nisarga School Visit 5/29/18
Today Nisarga School visited us at Lincoln and got together with G1 and G2 to discuss pollution in our neighborhood. We shared the video we made for Paramount School and played a recyclables sorting game together. Students also walked away with posters to display discouraging pollution and encouraging recycling and proper trash disposal.
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Our goal was to come away with a commitment to work with Nisarga next year to make our neighborhood a cleaner place for everyone. We hope to keep the connection between our schools strong!
This year, G1 worked hard to identify a problem where we live, learn more about air pollution, and take steps toward making our Lincoln neighborhood pollution-free. This service learning project has sparked a sense of curiosity and responsibility in our global citizens. Students will be able to take these skills and their knowledge with them to Grade 2 and through their whole lives!
You can print your own anti-pollution posters to hang in or near your house in Nepali and English here.