Music Collaboration to Combat Climate Change!

This past Tuesday, Grade 6 students traveled to Swayambhunath to sing alongside our sister choir from the Kopan Monastery. How did we come to singing in this unique space? Well, it was all part of a project we are working on in collaboration with WWF and Universal Music. Although we cannot share too much on the project until it is internationally released, we can say we are part of a worldwide resolution to combat climate change.

In addition to our amazing Grade 6 Lincoln Choir, we were also fortunate to perform next to a group of young monks from the Kopan Monastery. Before shooting our video, the monks visited Lincoln School for a day of community, music, and football! The Grade 6 children partnered with a monk, and together we sang and played together, truly showing music is the universal language. We were also lucky to be joined by Kiran Nepali of Project Sarangi and Kutumba, who accompanied us on his Sarangi, a traditional Nepali instrument.

We can’t wait to share our final video with you and hope our song inspires all of you, just as it inspired us.
