Lincoln Boys’ Basketball Shows Huge Growth in Amman!
04 Mar 2020 - Activities, Athletics, Athletics, Activities, Aquatics, Basketball, High School, News, Pillar: Compassionate Global Citizens and Leaders, Pillar: Confidence and Competence to Pursue Dreams, Recent, SAISA
AMMAN, Jordan. — Never give up! That was the motto that the Lincoln Boys Basketball Team repeated over and over again; to keep fighting, and never give up till the final whistle. Since October, we put all our energy into what we did, each and every practice. Although this team was young and inexperienced (most of us weren’t even on the team a year ago), it didn’t stop us from going out and competing with the Lincoln Spirit. While the results were not what we hoped for, we grew a lot over these four months and we will only improve from here. I’m proud of each and everyone of these guys and while my SAISA career has ended, I couldn’t be more pumped to see what these boys do next!
– Dylan M (Senior)