Service Nepal: Kathmandu Trip!
13 Jan 2023 - Activities, Blog, Events, Expressions, Global Citizens, Pillar: Compassionate Global Citizens and Leaders, Pillar: Confidence and Competence to Pursue Dreams, Pillar: Passion for Learning, Pillar: Stewards of the Environment, Recent
During Service Nepal, secondary students on the Kathmandu trip investigated the essential question, “How Can Culture Be Preserved in a Modernizing World?” Throughout the week they visited various UNESCO cultural heritage sites in Kathmandu Valley, learning from local experts and guides, and experiencing different elements of culture through hands-on activities. Some of their highlights included: navigating narrow passageways of the old city centers, learning about traditional architecture and how it is being preserved, meeting a former Royal Kumari (child goddess) who advocated for the right to education, tasting the various traditions of Nepali cuisine through a hands-on cooking class, learning about the ancient tradition of Tibetan medicine and making incense, and screen-printing biodegradable prayer flags! It was a fun, memorable, and thought-provoking week!