Senior Spotlight– Swastik
Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Swastik, who has been at Lincoln since Grade 6. “I have too many memories here at Lincoln. Adventures such as Service Nepal and SAISA; these trips have changed my outlook on life and made me realize how big this world is,” he shared. “One of my fondest memories would be with the track team at the airport when a couple of us got a sugar high, and all we could do was laugh about the smallest things. I think we laughed for about 45 minutes straight.”
Swastik is looking forward to finishing off this chapter of his life and starting a new one. “Graduating high school is a sign that I am ready to go on into the real world and tackle the challenges of life,” he said. Swastik also looks forward to more responsibility. In fact, if he could trade places with any staff member, it would be Mr. Sharp or Ms. Ramsey. “Being the head of a school is a big responsibility. It is a tough job, but that is what gets me excited.”
His advice to our young athletes is to “never skip leg day,” and he shares gratitude for all of the people that helped him get to where he is. “Family, friends, teachers, coaches, and staff members; I truly believe that the people around you really shape you to become the person you are,” Swastik said. “I would like to personally thank my parents, as I would not be here in this school or this world without them.”
We are grateful for your time at Lincoln, Swastik. Thank you for being a great Snow Leopard!