Sortie à l’Alliance française / Alliance française field trip
Sortie à l’Alliance française
Jeudi 12 octobre 2017
Aujourd’hui, les classes de Francais 3 et 5 sont allées à l’Alliance Française pour visiter les locaux et la bibliothèque et assister à un concert de Jazz. Nous sommes partis de l’école en fin de matinée. A l’Alliance française, nous avons regardé les livres à la bibliothèque, les CDs et nous avons joué à des jeux français. Ensuite nous avons attendu le début du concert et nous avons mangé des pains au chocolat..
Le concert était vraiment super et Jazzmandu donne des concerts jusqu’au 18 Octobre. Il y a des musiciens et des chanteurs de nombreux pays comme la Suisse, la Somalie, le Mali, les Etats-Unis, le Népal, et la Thaïlande.
Nous sommes ensuite allés déjeuner au restaurant. Pendant le délicieux repas nous avons discuté en francais et nous avons passé un excellent moment tous ensemble.
Today, the French 3 and 5 classes went to Alliance Francaise for a rich, educational field trip. We left school at 10 30 am, and arrived at Alliance Francaise, and we headed up to the library. We spent time in the library where French books, CDs, games and much more was available, and the Bistro/Restaurant until it was time for the Jazz concert to begin. Many of us played the French board and video games that were available in the library and a few of us had their special Chocolate au Pain (chocolate-filled bread) too.
Jazzmandu will be having a concert with performers from all over the world until October 18th. We were there on the first day of their performances organized for school students. There were Swiss, Somali, Malian, American, Nepali and Thai performers. There were also many other local Nepali school’s students. Much of these performances were mainly instrumental, but there were a few vocalists who astonished us with their fluid voices. Everyone was enthusiastic as the performers encouraged participation from the audience at times.
After the wonderful performance, we were all exhausted and hungry. We then headed to Roadhouse, right across the street for lunch. We had some scrumptious lunch and discussed how our experience with the concert went in French. After the enriching field trip, we all returned back to school at 2:30 pm.