Week 12 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
Wow, It was a busy week with the start of SAISA volleyball and Spirit Week. The kids were able to enjoy a SAISA volleyball game (the Dhaka Tigers vs the Lincoln Leopards). They loved cheering on their buddy team, the Tigers!
The kids have been working hard at making their reading more fluent, by going back and rereading if their words don’t match the picture. They have also been working on choosing good fit books, where they can read the words and the pictures.
The kids have continued to write stories about themselves and the things they love. They have been learning to use tools to help make their writing easier to read, like the word wall, word folders, and their “Words I Use” chart.
The kids continue to solve addition problems by using a number line, pictures, counters, and their fingers. They have also been practicing their skip counting by 10s and even 5s! They have been learning 10 more and 10 less by using a hundreds chart.
Science/Social Studies
The kids practiced the scientific method this week, when we did our egg in vinegar experiment. This experiment was directly linked to their dental health lesson with Mr. Craig. They asked the question, “What will happen to the egg if put in a cup of vinegar?” They were able to make a hypothesis, where many kids thought the egg would crack.
We started to talk about how they could help make their community better, as part of our Service Learning project. The kids have come up with some ideas and we will continue to brainstorm next week.
Literacy Week October 30-November 3
- Character Dress Up Day – October 31
Reading Celebration Friday, November 10th.
Take Home Folder
Please send the folder back with your child each day.
This weekend, I would recommend logging into Raz-Kids so that your child may listen to different stories. Also, lessons F.1-F.9 under Skip Counting on IXL would reinforce what we did thisweek in class.
Kindest Regards,
Colleen and Tripta