Week 17 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
It was a very busy week in the Primary 1 classroom!
We continue to focus on specific reading skills during our small group work, which the kids then take back and try when reading with a partner or on their own.
The kids finished publishing their writing and have added the books to our classroom library for everyone to read.
In class, the kids built hexagons using a variety of pattern blocks. They learned that 2 trapezoids put together create a hexagon, or 6 triangles arranged correctly can also make a hexagon.
Science/Social Studies
In science, we started our unit on plants. The kids have listened to and read many nonfiction books teaching them about the needs of plants. They also had the opportunity to plant their very own seeds. Over the course of the next 2 weeks, they will nurture these seeds as they sprout into a little seedling. The kids will be responsible for checking on their plants daily, watering it if needed, and recording their observations as the plants grow.
NO SCHOOL on Thursday, December 7 due to the elections.
- I will be sending home an “At Home Learning” package for each student on Wednesday.
- Please remember to login to the Lincoln School website to check for updates.
- Also the Primary 1 class website will have additional “At Home Learning” resources available.
Winter Program Performances
- Wednesday, December 6 at 6pm in the Globe Theater
After the Wednesday evening performance, please allow your son/daughter to change out of their costume before going home. The costumes will remain in our classroom until after Friday’s performance.
- Friday, December 8 at 9:10 am in the Globe Theater
Please remember to order your son or daughter’s lunch for the upcoming week.
Take Home Folder
Please send the folder back with your child each day.
This weekend, I would recommend logging into Raz-Kids so that your child may listen to different stories, and/or logging into IXL for your child to practice a variety of math skills.
Kindest Regards,
Colleen and Tripta