Week 18 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
It was a busy and eventful week. The kids loved performing for everyone on Wednesday and Friday.
In reading this week, we worked in small groups to practice different strategies to decode new words. We also worked on showing understanding. The kids continue to practice reading on their own, with a partner and listening to stories on Raz-Kids.
In writing, the kids worked on a class book called “Plants Give Us…” Each writer contributed a page to the story, which will be added to our classroom library. We continue to focus on letter formation, spacing, spelling strategies and the writing process.
In math, the kids learned how to use a balance to compare the weight of objects. They also learned the meaning of capacity and estimate. The kids estimated the number of cubes several containers could hold and then compared the capacity of each container. We continue to solve number stories on a daily basis.
In science, the kids went to visit the school garden and learn about vermicast compost from Mr. Curtis. The kids planted seeds last week and have been observing the growth. They are responsible for watering their plant each day.
If your son/daughter gets lunch from school, please remember to place the order.
Please send your son/daughter to school with his/her folder on Monday.
Next Friday, December 15 is an early release day at 11:50. It is also the last day of school before Winter Break. The kids will return on Monday, January 8, 2018.