Week 25 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
The kids were excited to start their new after-school activities, share about their mini-break, and get back to their regular class routines. The kids were invited to and went to a high school robotic presentation. As Grade 2 finished up a non-fiction reading unit, the P1 kids helped celebrate their learning by listening to the Grade 2 experts (they chose a topic to learn about and share).
In reading, the kids are working towards their celebration by reading more and more books; practicing their book talk power; choosing books that they would like to share with others.
In writing, the kids are continuing to write teaching books. As they write more and more, they have reached a point where they are focusing on brainstorming new ideas to write about. They continue to focus on making their writing easy to read by using the word wall to write words, adding punctuation, finger spaces, starting each sentence with a capital, and making their pictures and words match.
In math, the kids worked on solving number stories involving subtraction. They explored 3D shapes. They played Bingo by solving addition problems.
In social studies, the kids were introduced to maps and globes. They explored the similarities and differences of maps and globes. They created their own map of the classroom and of a pretend community
Important Dates:
Reading and Writing Celebration – Friday, March 2, 2018, 8:15 to 8:45
Student Led Conferences – Friday, March 16, 2018 – More information to come
International Day – Saturday, March 24, 2018 – More information to come