Student Led Conferences 3/16/18
The Grade 1 students did a WONDERFUL job sharing all of their learning today at Student Led Conferences! We have so many experts in our class!
Each student shared projects in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies, including digital items recorded on the iPads. We worked hard this past week to practice and get ready. I am so proud of everyone’s hard work and progress!
If you would like to view your student’s book review from our opinion writing unit, click here.
If you would like to view your student’s audiobook from our reading unit called “Readers Have Big Jobs to Do,” click here.
Maps & Geography Journals and written book reviews will come home in Take Home Folders on Monday. Our plants work will be on display outside the classroom for a little while longer and we will continue working on our number scrolls in class.
Thank you again to parents who took time to come and learn what Grade 1 is all about from your child !
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