Week 29 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
During reading, the kids have been focusing on being avid readers. They have been practicing their reading with both fiction and nonfiction books. They continue to have reading playdates. They love to play school, where one partner is a teacher and the other is a student. During guided reading, I have been working with each child on their individual reading goals.
The kids wrote letters to Mr. Ken that linked with their service learning project. They have been working on coming up with a way they can help make their community better. Over the course of the year, we discussed things they hear, smell and see around their community that they would like to make better. The kids have learned to ask “What do you need?” and “What can I do to help?” After several discussions, they decided that they are passionate about the garden and composting. They quickly realized that the cooked food waste wasn’t being used for the compost and wanted to find something productive to do with it. This is what lead to the letters to Mr. Ken. They are trying to convince him to give the cooked food waste to a pig farm.
This week in math, the kids solved both addition and subtraction number stories within 20. The kids continue to identify and describe 2D and 3D shapes. They also practiced counting by 1s, 10s, and 5s. We played a game where the kids had to guess the name of a shape by its description.
Also, as the weather is getting warmer, the kids are drinking more water and having a lot of fun playing outside. If you could please send a change of clothes with your son/daughter on Monday that can stay in their cubby that would be greatly appreciated. As accidents do happen, we want to be prepared.