Week 32 in Primary 1
Good afternoon,
The kids have been working on poetry for the past 2 weeks. Each day they are introduced to a new poem which they read with rhythm. They read poems called “Stung” and “Spring Celebration” and did some activities that went along with them. They really enjoyed singing along to other poems that they are familiar with.
They continue to work on writing persuasive letters, posters, lists, songs, and petitions. They learned that it’s important to add many reasons, especially ones that have been researched. To make their writing more convincing, they are adding information that they gathered from books, asking questions, and conducting surveys. To warm-up for writing the kids are given a “would you rather” question, like “would you rather eat ice-cream for dessert or cake?” They then choose a side and work in small groups to come up with reasons. Then they debate their choice with their classmates.
Addition and subtraction number stories are part of their daily routine. They are using many strategies to solve more complicated problems. They are now telling time to the nearest hour. We played games to match analog and digital clocks together. They used analog clocks to show different times of the day.
In science, the kids investigated magnets. They learned that not all metal objects are magnetic.
Important Dates
Friday, April 27 – Fabulous Friday and ASA Season 3 Showcase
Monday, April 30 – swimming starts in PE (more information to come)
Friday, May 4/Saturday, May 5 – Elementary School Spring Music Showcase (more information to come)