Grade 3 Goes to Sneha’s Care Dog Center
Recently, the Grade 3 students journeyed to Sneha’s Care Dog Center to learn more about the concerns around street dogs in Kathmandu as well as spend some time taking care of the dogs. They found big dogs, little dogs, fluffy dogs, excited dogs, and puppies who were all waiting for some well-deserved attention! This field trip was part of their service learning project to find out how animals are taken care of in Kathmandu. After all of their learning about both donkeys in the brick factories and dogs on the street, the students decided they’d love to visit the dogs at Sneha’s Care and help groom them, walk them, feed them, and most of all pet them! They were even able to see how the center used small wheelchairs for dogs who were paralyzed. The students were amazed how these dogs could zoom everywhere and enjoy life with the rest of the dogs! If you are interested in volunteering with or learning more about how to help Kathmandu’s street dog population, check out their website at www.snehacare.com. The dogs would wag their tails for more attention!