Seniors and Primary One On the Same Boat!
On September 14th, the Class of 2019 participated in reading activities with students from Primary One in their first class buddy pairing. P1 students, who have been working on their story telling skills, shared their version of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” with original puppets they made to help tell the story. Next, the seniors read a story selected by each P1 student. Finally, the buddies took part in a STEAM activity in which they built a raft together out of straws and pipe cleaners. The object of the raft was to see if it could be built to hold a small plastic teddy bear. Buddies tested their designs in the new P1 water table to see if the rafts would float. The day was a great experience and success on many levels, and something both the seniors and Primary One students are looking forward to doing again.