The Tiny Podcast Project was a unique unit for students to learn about how to read, research, and write expository texts. Students were able to research any topic of interest, write a script, and then produce a Tiny Podcast about their discoveries. We just had...

In Grade 3J, students are singing, and playing the ukulele and madal in music and drama class. Students are working as a team to keep a steady tempo and perform multiple elements at once to create an interesting arrangement of rhythms and melodies. ...

With a wonderful display of rhythm, coordination, and grace, Grade 9 Physical Education students finished their aquatics unit by working in small groups to create a synchronized swimming routine.  It's safe to say that their recent performance was a big splash and brought waves of...

Writers' World - the second and fifth grade classes met to share their completed personal narratives and offer feedback. These writers spent weeks revising and editing their stories. During our buddy time, the fifth graders helped their younger friends design and draw an exciting cover...

Grade 2 students are currently doing a unit on Cooperative Games. Today, they were playing "Target Ball," where each team had to work together to attack and defend the target ball from crossing their team's goal line. Students aren't allowed to touch the target ball...

Our students are launching into exciting projects like fashion, painting, photography, flip-books, and collage. As part of their AP Art journey, each student will choose a unique theme for a year-long “sustained investigation,” building an impressive portfolio for submission to the U.S. in May. We...

During our Elementary-Secondary Buddy Activities, Grade 10 students paired up with Grade 1s for an event filled with collaboration and fun! Together, they designed personalized handshakes, untangled a human knot, and teamed up to 'cross a river.' These activities were not only exciting but also...

The Lincoln campus was alive with energy this weekend as we hosted the 8th Lincoln Invitational Swimming & Volleyball Championships. Our incredible student-athletes showcased courage, sportsmanship, skill, and determination, making us immensely proud. A massive shoutout to our dedicated parents, volunteers, coaches, administrators, and support...