Our elementary students celebrated Holi with a splash of water and a whole lot of fun! Elementary students in our Local Culture Connect Club planned and hosted the event as their service learning project, ensuring we better understand our host country's culture and have an opportunity to...

For the first time ever, SWIM Coaches and Teachers Australia (SCTA) brought SWIMCON International to Nepal, and we were honored to host this groundbreaking event at Lincoln School in Kathmandu! With 80 passionate attendees from 9 countries across Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Middle East, this...

Season One of our after-school activities program kicked off at Lincoln this week, and it’s been a hit! From middle school volleyball and self-defense classes to gymnastics in the gym, football on the field, and swimming in the pool, students of all ages are diving...

Exciting times at Lincoln School! SAISA tryouts are in full swing, and we’re thrilled to see 85 student-athletes stepping up for our Swimming and Volleyball teams this season. We're incredibly proud of our Snow Leopards for showing up and giving it their all this week....

Huge congratulations to Lincoln School alum Alex Gadegaard Shah for shattering his own Nepali National Record in the 100-meter freestyle at the Paris 2024 Olympics! Alex was lightning off the blocks and showcased incredible power and control in the first 50 meters. His flawless turn...

We are thrilled to announce that Lincoln Alum, Alex Gadegaard Shah (Class of 2021), is all set for his 2nd Olympic Games in Paris! Alex secured his spot on the plane to Paris with an impressive 52.17 in the 100-meter freestyle in Doha last February....

What an incredible few days it's been at Lincoln School, Nepal! Our swim camp came to a close with some serious speed, thanks to the legendary presence of double Olympic Gold Medalist, Penny Heyns. Over 30 students dove into learning with Penny, focusing on starts, turns, and...

Elementary swimming and water safety classes have been learning crucial swimming and water safety skills. Students demonstrated key life-saving techniques to parents, including: 1. Always swim with a buddy 2. Use a buoyant object to throw and rescue or any durable material to reach and rescue. 3. Float...

The Grade 11 Service Nepal trip was one that will not soon be forgotten. The trip involved four days of rafting on the Sunkhosi River. The class camped on a different river beach each night where they had to pitch their own tents and use...