Students in Grades 2 & 3 reviewed a few rhythm basics and then started composing. Working hard to create original rhythms, students sought feedback from one another and mastered their compositions in order to teach each other better. ...

Secondary art students studied and discussed Lincoln’s Mission Statement, specifically the global importance and impact of being Stewards of the Environment. Then, the artists used the creative process to reimagine recycled material into original works of art. View their work and experience by watching the...

Lincoln artists in P1-G4 have been learning about French artist, Henri Rousseau, and the landscape concepts of foreground, midground, and background. Click here to see a selection of work from P1 & G1. ...

In High School Creative Writing, our students became budding authors as they explored the various elements of a strong narrative. Students learned and discussed how to develop intriguing story worlds and create flawed but interesting protagonists and antagonists with whom the reader would want to...

Holiday cheer rang around the campus this morning. Our Snow Leopards sang, danced, and appreciated the arts together as we closed out the year with smiles and in style. Happy Holidays from Lincoln School! ...

We invite you to a day of celebration, culminating in an all-school assembly that will be live-streamed to families at home. Visual art exhibitions from grades Pre-School through 12 will be featured on our giant art walk, and performances will ring out from the stage....

Students in Primary 1 have been receiving weekly correspondence from a wizard. These letters require the newly appointed magical assistants to utilize their creative acting skills to carry out missions and tasks. Last week, the wizard explained that he had accidentally dropped his magic shell...