Grade 11 discussed climate change, water treatment, water safety, and CPR with Shree Sukute School. The students learned how to set up their tents, and make a campfire. Grade 11 bonded as a class on the river, where they learned how to kayak and raft...

Grade 6 created monotype prints using found objects and natural materials. Students learned about color mixing and color schemes. Next, they learned about pattern, texture, and how to print multiple times to make layered and abstract prints. Enjoy the video here! ...

Service Nepal for grade 8 took them into the clouds at Chandragiri and down into the Chitlang valley to explore village life, culture, and water resources. Each day, students hiked through forests and fields. From goat milking and cheese making, to water testing with the...

Service Nepal 2022 - 2023 is a wrap! Our seniors traveled near the border of Nepal and Tibet, camping at Borderlands. There, they interacted with students from Bachaladevi school with whom Lincoln shares a 15-year-long relationship. The seniors carried out classes to educate the Bachaledevi...

The Lotus is back and better than ever! 12 dynamic writers and editors have been working diligently to bring you, our readers, engaging content spanning poetry, politics, sports, and lifestyle. Read all about it here! ...

Grade 2 & Grade 3 Artists created treasure maps and learned basic mapping concepts, including map keys, landmarks, and the importance of the compass rose (showing North, South, East, & West). After learning about and creating treasure maps, our students wanted to create REAL treasure for...

Lincoln's students participated in their annual Literacy Week this past week, which kicked off with a superhero vs villains book character dress-up day. Other highlights included learning about challenged and banned books, exploring and performing poetry, and book-buddy day, where students carried and shared their...

The atmosphere around the pool at ACS-Amman, Jordan was electric! Eight schools participated in the first SAISA Swim Meet since 2019 and the experience for each swimmer and coach will never be forgotten. Lincoln's band of 18 swimmers, some competing for the first time, showed...

The SAISA girls' volleyball season has come to an end. After two months of hard work and dedication, they returned to Nepal with a well-earned second-place trophy! As the youngest team in SAISA and from the smallest school, this is a huge accomplishment and a...