Dear Families, We look forward to a week of school uninterrupted by traffic and important meetings. We can confirm that the school and its administration truly had all our interests at heart. All our beginning-of-the-year assessments are completed! Whew! Your amazing children are loaded with such...

Happy Fabulous Friday Everyone! Here’s the end of the week update on our Grade Five experience at Lincoln School: This morning Mimi and Prakrati did a wonderful job hosting our Fabulous Friday assembly which showcased our singing talents and beginning of the year experiences in the lower...

This week students were each given a black box with mysterious contents. They were not able to open the box but somehow had to determine what was in the box and where in the box it was. Using their investigative skills, students modelled what they thought...

  Cover Image: Book cover, Enemy Pie by Derek Munson Today, on one of her bi-weekly visits, Ms. Hillary read Enemy Pie. She used the text to introduce a mischievous relationship that leads to an amusing and unexpected ending. The students came to the conclusion that the enemy...

Grade Five Investigates How to Separate Mixtures!   This week in science the students in Mr. Curtis' grade 5 classroom conducted an investigation on separating mixtures.  They were given a dry mixture of three (and one more secret) substances.  They identified problems, engineered models, and carried out...

Happy Friday Everyone!   Here’s the end of the week update on our Grade Five experience at Lincoln School:   In math, we have been working on volume using Volume = Length x Width x Height or Volume = Base x Height. The students are also still trying to...

Peer to Peer Learning Leaves a Mark The READERS in Grade Five spent time this week looking into how other students their reflect on the reading they do.  We took note of what we thought these students were doing well and hopefully walked away with a...

Happy Friday Everyone!   Here’s the weekly update on our Grade Five experience at Lincoln School:   In math, we hit the ground running in our first unit. We tackled area using a brand new method to us called “tiling.” It wasn’t everyone’s favorite, that’s why we also reinforced...

Happy Friday Everyone! This is just a short update on our Grade Five experience here at Lincoln School: In math, we have dusted off our multiplication skills and jumped into our first unit on area and volume. It even includes finding the area of rectangles with fractional...