Yesterday, our Elementary Students showcased their music and drama skills in The Search for Snow Leopard Station, an original musical written and produced by Grade 5. Students in Preschool through Grade 5 sang, danced, and acted their way through our core values, teaching us all...

Students in Elementary Music & Drama shared their creative collaborations in class this week. Each group composed a melody with original lyrics, backed with a percussion part and unique choreography. This Grade 5 group embodied the spirit of Lincoln in their performance. Click here to...

Grade 2 students conceptualized and composed full pieces of music over the last several weeks. This included rhythms, melodies, and original lyrics, closely linked to their poetry unit. Then, a professional opera singer got a hold of one of their pieces for a digital performance....

Megan Highfill is in her second year in Nepal, following teaching experiences in Kansas- USA, Egypt, Indonesia, and Panama. Though her first love is the performing arts, she has also enjoyed teaching learning support, English as an additional language, and library. “My favorite thing about...

Students in Grades 2 & 3 reviewed a few rhythm basics and then started composing. Working hard to create original rhythms, students sought feedback from one another and mastered their compositions in order to teach each other better. ...

Arts Wednesday— Singing Together Again! Grade 3 celebrates Lincoln’s diversity and welcomes new and returning students by singing Hello to All The Children of the World. Elementary students edit this song each month to represent the home language of each student in our community. Listen...

Students in Primary 1 have been receiving weekly correspondence from a wizard. These letters require the newly appointed magical assistants to utilize their creative acting skills to carry out missions and tasks. Last week, the wizard explained that he had accidentally dropped his magic shell...

Students gathered last week to celebrate one month of school and share songs and celebrations with one another. Have a look at some of our favorite moments from the assembly while listening to our fantastic Grade 1 students sing “The More We Get Together” in...

The hallways are alive with the sound of pianos and ukuleles as all elementary students begin working with instruments. Students have set goals related to instrument mastery, performance, and creation. We enjoy connecting through the arts and filling the school with music! ...