Students gathered last week to celebrate one month of school and share songs and celebrations with one another. Have a look at some of our favorite moments from the assembly while listening to our fantastic Grade 1 students sing “The More We Get Together” in...

The hallways are alive with the sound of pianos and ukuleles as all elementary students begin working with instruments. Students have set goals related to instrument mastery, performance, and creation. We enjoy connecting through the arts and filling the school with music! ...

Working with Ms. Kriti, our talented Primary 1 & Grade 1 students performed a Nepali dance at the elementary assembly before Spring Break. Watch their performance here ...

Students in Grades 3 & 4 explored patterns and experimentation in music. Here, Aaron created a modern, experimental piece of music utilizing the recorder and digital instruments in new ways. He used a digital composition platform to create a multi-track composition, accompanied by original artwork....

Lincoln School, Nepal, sang the Resolution Song in Swayambhu, Kathmandu with young monks from Kopan Monastery and alongside musicians around the globe. Together we’re calling for urgent action on the climate crisis. Stand with us and make a resolution for the planet! (Full Video 2:45 minutes...