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We had a busy week in elementary music! Filled with composing, new songs, playing the instruments, and the start of our piano and guitar units! Grade 4 student composing an original musical motive after learning about Beethoven's fifth symphony. Grade 4 student practicing her musical motive composition...

Summer Online Music Learning Note Trainer  (Tenuto)     This game works on naming notes on the staff.  You may go into the settings and pick treble clef, bass clef or both and set the note range you wish to work on. Mighty Music Man   This...

We had a great week in elementary music! Each grade level started off the new year in music singing and playing instruments. Grade 1 through Grade 5 brushed up their music reading skills in preparation for the piano unit. Primary 1 and PreK/PS created music and practiced keeping a steady beat with percussion instruments. Out of the classroom, children...

We had a great week in elementary music! Each grade level started off the new year in music singing and playing instruments. Grade 1 through Grade 5 brushed up their music reading skills in preparation for the piano unit. Primary 1 and PreK/PS created music and practiced keeping a steady beat with percussion instruments. Out of the classroom, children...