Elementary swimming and water safety classes have been learning crucial swimming and water safety skills. Students demonstrated key life-saving techniques to parents, including: 1. Always swim with a buddy 2. Use a buoyant object to throw and rescue or any durable material to reach and rescue. 3. Float...

The students in Grade 2 studied the principles of economics in a hands-on experiential unit. We acted as consumers during a field trip to Bhat Bhateni where we purchased all of our baking supplies. Next, we became producers by measuring, mixing, and baking artisanal cookies. Our...

Calling all writers big and small! We’ve got a writing workshop for you. This week, our high school Writing Workshop students took all of their essay writing mastery and went to join our grade 4 buddies to help them develop their very own essays! It...

This week, the Grade 2 students visited the school garden to discuss composting, edible plants, medicinal herbs and the benefits of worm-farms. Students also got to try some Himalayan Nettle tea which is widely employed in Traditional Medicine here in Nepal and regions of India. ...

In ES Physical Education, students are working on fitness and fun ways to combine cardiovascular health with coordination. Skipping or jump roping is the ultimate exercise for students to challenge themselves and develop these skills. In Grade 4, students are challenging themselves by learning a...