Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten teacher, Kate Gibson, uses her wide range of experiences to fill her classroom with love and inclusivity. Originally a professional clown and dancer, Kate moved to Nepal after living in San Francisco, California. “The campus is beautiful and Lincoln is just such...

“The first face you meet when you come in the gate is always a hello, and that’s the last thing you see when you leave, too,” shared Grade 4 teacher, Tim Legere, about his impressions of Lincoln. “It’s welcoming and warm.” Tim is in his...

After studying pirates for “Teach Me Tuesday,” Grade 2 students formed their own pirate crews to explore and share what they learned. They collaborated in groups to draft a pirate code of honor, decide on pirate names, and design a pirate flag. Students presented their projects and found...

Students in PS-6 had a fabulous 100th Day of School! They modeled creative 100th Day t-shirt designs, sang a special, original “100th Day at Lincoln” song, and started the day with 100 exercises. Thank you to our P1 and Grade 1 students for leading these...

On Thursday, February 10, students in PS-G6 are invited to create a “100th day of school shirt” to celebrate 100 days at school together! Lots of fun activities are planned and we look forward to this fun event, led by our P1 & Grade 1...

Lincoln artists in P1-G4 have been learning about French artist, Henri Rousseau, and the landscape concepts of foreground, midground, and background. Click here to see a selection of work from P1 & G1. ...

Michele Nelson is in her second year teaching at Lincoln, but her first impressions still stand. “Happy students and a beautiful campus!” she shared. After teaching K-12 Art & Design for more than 20 years in North Carolina, USA, Michele fulfilled her dream of teaching...