Grade 3 authors proudly read the adapted fairy tales they wrote in their most recent writing unit with parents and staff. With characters ranging from giants to pickles to toads, their fairy tales were creative and engaging. We can’t wait to read what they write...

Lincoln School hosted parents, faculty, staff, and secondary students for an afternoon to celebrate the achievements at Lincoln over the last 5 years, and provide perspectives on future work. Thank you to the 97 community members who participated in this important initiative and the impact...

Grade 6 and Grade 2 students celebrate a semester of being class buddies by making gingerbread houses out of cardboard! It was the perfect way to finish a semester of collaboration, fun and new friendships between the two classes. ...

Elementary students have been exploring the basics of computer coding in Art & Design. P1 & Grade 1 have been using Kodable to learn the basics of commands. Grades 2-5 have been using Scratch & ScratchJr to create animated videos and games. Check out their...

During Service Nepal, secondary students on the Kathmandu trip investigated the essential question, “How Can Culture Be Preserved in a Modernizing World?" Throughout the week they visited various UNESCO cultural heritage sites in Kathmandu Valley, learning from local experts and guides, and experiencing different elements...

Today, we celebrated a fabulous first semester with a Winter Assembly. Joyful sing-alongs, exciting class celebrations, and wonderful performances were followed by hot cocoa and cookies for students, staff, and families. Have a wonderful Winter Break and we will see you in 2023! ...

“The smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd!" Although this isn't quite what it's like for our middle school Drama Exploratory, the excitement and energy are the same. This quarter the students have written their own script for a mashup production of...

In their first concert in nearly three years, Lincoln’s secondary music students explored a wide range of repertoire in last week’s concert, from Elvis to Jim Croce to Olivia Rodrigo. A variety of mixed ensembles and soloists first wowed their elementary school peers and then...