What a day, Lincoln community! Our Elementary Student-Led Conferences were a true showcase of confidence, reflection, and achievement. From core academic classes to PE, Nepali, Art, and Music, students took the lead in sharing their learning journeys— and families left with smiles to prove it! A...

Just prior to Thanksgiving, the first grade class performed the play, “Turk and Runt: A Thanksgiving Comedy”, adapted from the book by the same name, by Lisa Wheeler (The book is about a couple of turkeys trying to avoid being chosen for dinner). Students worked...

Good afternoon, Another wonderful week of getting to know each other, the routines, and the school. We discussed, practiced, and discussed some more about our emergency procedures. The kids heard the fire and stand fast sirens and understood that there is no siren for an earthquake....

Good afternoon, The classroom was buzzing this week! The kids were extremely productive in reading, writing, and math. They have worked independently and collaboratively in small groups to accomplish different tasks. This week the readers were introduced to their reading notebooks. They will use these notebooks as...

It was a wonderful first week of school with all the Primary 1 and Grade 1 kids. They all did a fantastic job transitioning back into the school routine. This week the kids learned that they are all readers. We talked about how there are three...

Today the elementary school celebrated Activity Day! Students participated in a variety of activities in mixed-grade groups. Students tried yoga, heard a bagpiper, completed an obstacle course, had a drum circle, made bookmarks and recycled-material butterflies, used a coding app, and had a paper airplane...