High school students studied the work of Cambodian artist, Sopheap Pich, and Korean American artist, JooYoung Choi, and devised a piece that was inspired by one of the artist’s work. Students project planned and worked with the materials of their choosing to create their own...

The Lincoln campus opened to Middle and High School students on Thursday and Friday respectively, as students and teachers got to see each other in person, engage in ice-breaker activities, and get a better understanding of our health and safety expectations. It was great to...

The sun came out for our Snow Leopard cubs today as cohorts enjoyed using the outdoor court, field and pool for obstacle courses, rackets sports, and golf of the football and frisbee variety. It was wonderful to see all the PS/PK kids in the launch...

Please visit the school through our recently launched Lincoln School Virtual Tour video. We are proud to share an introduction to our programs as well as insight into our family experiences through the voices of some of our Lincoln parents. This tour also enables our...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2020. Although Seniors all over the world have had their final year impacted by this pandemic, Lincoln School has a number of plans in place to honor the efforts of our graduating...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2020. Although Seniors all over the world have had their final year impacted by this pandemic, Lincoln School has a number of plans in place to honor the efforts of our graduating...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2020. Although Seniors all over the world have had their final year impacted by this pandemic, Lincoln School has a number of plans in place to honor the efforts of our graduating...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2020. Although Seniors all over the world have had their final year impacted by this pandemic, Lincoln School has a number of plans in place to honor the efforts of our graduating...

Yesterday the entire Lincoln staff met online to receive an update from the Director, before breaking into Elementary and Secondary meetings to discuss learning plans and activities for our Lincoln School Snow Leopards! It was wonderful to connect as an entire staff, as we continue...