Students in our Grade 5 Rock Band made their premiere performance at our elementary assembly before the break. They rocked out to "Bang", by AJR. We look forward to their next performance! Watch their performance here. ...

This Grade 6 performance of Vance Joy’s Riptide are student suggested, arranged, and performed. After choosing this piece, students learned the singing part while online. They transferred this into the classroom by choosing instruments and creating patterns individually and in groups to accompany the piece....

Students in Grades 3 & 4 explored patterns and experimentation in music. Here, Aaron created a modern, experimental piece of music utilizing the recorder and digital instruments in new ways. He used a digital composition platform to create a multi-track composition, accompanied by original artwork....

Please visit the school through our recently launched Lincoln School Virtual Tour video. We are proud to share an introduction to our programs as well as insight into our family experiences through the voices of some of our Lincoln parents. This tour also enables our...

MUMBAI, India. -- SAISA Music and Art students were hard at work in Mumbai, India, during the recent mini-break! Our Music students spent time preparing music leading up to the festival and spent hours in rehearsals led by their brilliant guest conductors from New Delhi,...