Sustainability Saathi Day 5: Pottery! For our final day of the week, students learned about traditional pottery making in Nepal. The highlight of the day was definitely watching our visiting expert Sajan Prajapati from the Pottery Training Center demonstrate the pottery wheel and learning to use...

Students learned that there are environmental impacts of producing food products called water and carbon footprints. They discussed dal as a traditional food of Nepal and compared the environmental impact of producing dal with other foods. With the help of our Lincoln gardening expert, Kale,...

Students learned that the leaves from saal trees are used to make plates in Nepal and that we can support people who use their skills to create local biodegradable leaf plates for the community rather than buying plastic disposable plates. With the help of our...

Elementary students will spend the week exploring the essential question: What can we learn about environmental sustainability from traditional cultural practices in Nepal? We started the week with an introduction to sustainability from guest speakers Dr. Erica Udas and Barsha Rani Gurung from ICIMOD, followed...

SAISA Alum, Rachel Seay returned to Lincoln as a guest speaker, introducing students to the French horn. In her interactive presentation, Rachel spoke to elementary and secondary students about the history of the horn, her SAISA and AMIS experiences (including the SAISA Music Festival hosted...

  Parents and students sang, danced, and read as a family in our first PS/PK Parent Play. Students enjoyed sharing their learning with their parents, and including them in all of the fun activities in Music & Drama and Library. Thanks to all who were able...

Accompanied by excited parents, our Pre-School and Pre-K class took their first field trip of the year to Godawari Botanical Gardens. They explored the landscape, admired the blossoming fruit trees, climbed on rocks, and listened to the babbling brook. Our students are excited to continue...

Artists in Grades 3-5 learned about Aboriginal Dot Paintings from Australia, taught by Ms Kriti. The authentic paints are made from hand ground pigments and usually reflect nature. Our Lincoln School artists really capture the essence of Dot Painting! ...

For their spring project, the Elementary Student Council wanted to create an art and performance space just for Elementary students. They looked to previous Secondary School Tiny Stage performances for inspiration and decided to make a smaller version: Tinier Stage! Six elementary acts performed: pianists,...

Fore! Mr. O'Sullivan and Royal Nepal Golf Course's Sachin Bhattarai have recently introduced golf to a few students and are helping our golfers improve their skills. Every Tuesday they are putting, chipping, and hitting into nets. Students are focusing on golf etiquette, safety, and skills....