Chip Faircloth joins Lincoln School from South Carolina, where he originally started his teaching career. He has shared his passion for education throughout the world, teaching in Kuwait, Colombia, Nepal, UAE, Ukraine, and now, again, Nepal. Yes, this is Chip’s second time teaching at Lincoln...

The Grade 6 Olympics began last week with Opening Ceremonies. Each team presented their team name, chant, and original flag. Later in the week, teams competed in a soccer match that ended in a draw, leading to an intense rock-paper-scissors playoff for the gold medal....

Snow Leopards from Pre-School to Grade 12 have been enjoying jumping back in the Lincoln School pool this past week. Our swimming and water safety program, led by our qualified instructors, ensures our students move through the various outcomes and levels at an individualized pace,...

The hallways are alive with the sound of pianos and ukuleles as all elementary students begin working with instruments. Students have set goals related to instrument mastery, performance, and creation. We enjoy connecting through the arts and filling the school with music! ...

On the first day of school, our Primary 1 learners shared their hopes & dreams for the school year. One student explained that his goal was to read and write more, while several others exclaimed “Swimming!” as their ultimate aspiration. What are your hopes &...

Back to school and back to work! We celebrate all of our learners, both on-campus and online. Students are experiencing creative, integrative education by working together in the classroom and over the internet. In this Grade 7 science class, students work with their online partners...

“Community is people helping each other,” a returning Grade 2 student shared during our Elementary School Welcome Assembly. This definition of community was visible throughout our first day, as compassionate returning students eagerly introduced our new Snow Leopards to campus. All students were an integral...