In today's episode of The People of Lincoln Podcast, Grade 8 student, Ayush, interviews his sister and Lincoln Snow Leopard, Tanisha. Tanisha attended Lincoln as a student for 12 years and graduated last year. Tune in here to learn more! ...

Art students reflected on the Essential Question, “How does Art reflect, as well as shape, our world?” Students chose a news article that they felt passionate about. They read, annotated, and wrote a short summary of this article as research, before creating an art piece...

Working with Ms. Kriti, our talented Primary 1 & Grade 1 students performed a Nepali dance at the elementary assembly before Spring Break. Watch their performance here ...

In today's episode of The People of Lincoln Podcast, Alex and Dani interview Lincoln Snow Leopard, Mr. Ram Kashyap. Mr. Kashyap has worked at Lincoln School in a number of roles for 30 years and has served as the Transportation Director for the past decade!...

Students in our Grade 5 Rock Band made their premiere performance at our elementary assembly before the break. They rocked out to "Bang", by AJR. We look forward to their next performance! Watch their performance here. ...

Lincoln Middle School students created mini art installations, little models for potential life-sized art installation designs. For this project, students were required to choose a theme to build their work upon. They were also required to include at least one moving part, either powered by...

Inspired by our efforts in the virtual Compassion Summit, the 8th Graders at Lincoln School have developed a forum that will allow community members to share their Lincoln stories. In order to raise awareness and foster our core value of compassion, we are conducting a...

The second grade class and the high school sign language elective students combined efforts to sign and sing a song about how the narwhal came to be. Their creativity and willingness to join forces certainly spread some cheer between both classes. ...