Although Annie joined Lincoln School in the 11th grade, she has managed to leave a lasting impact on both her peers and the school community. Her time at Lincoln School has been filled with countless memories, but some of her favorites revolve around her participation...

Patricia joined Lincoln in 2021 and has made a lasting impression on her peers and teachers alike. Her fondest memories of her time in our community include AP Psychology, writing her research paper in Senior Project, and participating in SAISA Art. These experiences have allowed...

Janiva joined Lincoln in 2020 and has flourished as part of our community. A talented artist, Janiva would love to trade places with Ms. G in order to have 24/7 access to the art room. She appreciates the multitude of resources available at Lincoln, and...

Last week, each advisory shared a class cheer and banner, celebrating their grade level, as well as being a Lincoln Snow Leopard. Our seniors led students through this process, which builds community and helps us practice cheering during our upcoming SAISA events! ...

The Class of 2022 was celebrated in style with a graduation walk through the school, our first prom in three years, incredible, heart-warming speeches during a senior-hosted brunch, and a beautiful final ceremony! Congratulations, Class of 2022! Watch some of the highlights here! ...

It is our pleasure to continue Lincoln School’s publication of The Lotus. May’s issue is a collection of stories ranging from topics about Lincoln School, environmental stewardship, the region, current events, entertainment, sports, and more. Click here to view a digital copy, or stop by...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Nirbhay, who has been at Lincoln since 2019. “My favorite memories are those from the senior trip, and from SAISA swimming in 2019, where my teammates and I...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Aaditya, who has been at Lincoln for his entire high school career. “My favorite memories at Lincoln School come from being within the community and participating in activities...

Leading up to Graduation, we will be highlighting members of the Class of 2022. Today, we recognize Gabe, who has been at Lincoln for three years. “My favorite memories are spending time with friends,” he said. “Probably a bird of some sort,” Gabe shared, when asked...