Week 7 in G1!
Another hard-working week here in first grade!
Guided reading groups really got going this week during reading centers and students practiced more good habits for solving hard words when reading, like checking the picture and looking at all the parts of the word.
In writing, we studied George McClement’s book Night of the Veggie Monster, noticing what he does to make his story so special. Students tried bringing the inside out by showing with faces and bodies, not just telling how the characters are feeling.
Students showed what they know on the Everyday Math Unit 2 Assessment this week. Unit 3 in math will be all about solving number stories and learning more strategies for addition and subtraction. I updated the IXL strands to match so your child can practice along at home.
In social studies, we talked about how all families have stories that can be told. Each student began writing a story about his/her own family. When we return from break, we will begin talking about how families change over time and students will have some homework to complete with you.
There is no swimming starting the week after Dashain break! Students will have regular PE classes. Please be sure your student wears PE appropriate clothing and shoes on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are Friday, October 6 (a no-student day). I am glad to see many of you have already booked a time! Please sign up to meet with me if you have not already.
I sent home a small homework packet in your child’s folder to complete if you have time over the break. There are two math Home Links for review of Unit 2. I also included two pages of writing paper. Encourage your child to plan and write a small moment story using all four pages about something that they did on the week off. Please also be sure your child reads every day!
Upcoming important dates:
- Monday 9/25 to Friday 9/29 – Dashain Break, no school
- Monday 10/2 – Regular PE classes resume, no swimming
- Friday 10/6 – Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Saturday 10/14 – International/UN Day
- Wednesday 10/18 – Last day of ASA Season 1
- Thursday 10/19 & Friday 10/20 – Tihar Break, no school
Happy Dashain!