Week 12 in G1!
What a fun Literacy Week! Check out the Class News page for photos of Book Character Dress Up Day, the visiting author, reading with our Grade 5 Buddies, and our door decorations.
On Wednesday, G1 celebrated learning in reading, writing, and social studies! Thank you to everyone who was able to attend. There are photos of our celebration on the Class News page. As we begin new units of study in those areas, we will be focusing on nonfiction reading and writing and will be learning about patterns of weather and in space in science.
In math, we began Unit 4 and students used different nonstandard tools to measure the length of objects in our classroom. We also practiced making tally charts and bar graphs together.
If there are any changes in your child’s attendance or dismissal routines (such as playdates), please be sure to email both me and Miss Pragya to let us know. Thank you to parents who have been keeping us informed.
For an upcoming project, we are collecting long paper towel tubes. If you finish a roll of paper towels at home, please send the empty tube to school. We need 7 more! Thank you to those who have already sent in a tube!
Upcoming important dates:
- Monday 11/6 – ASA Season 2 begins
- Monday 11/13 & Tuesday 11/14 – Visiting author Gennifer Choldenko
- Thursday 11/23 & Friday 11/24 – Thanksgiving Break
- Wednesday 12/6 & Friday 12/8 – ES Music Showcase, more information to come
- Friday 12/15 – 12:00pm dismissal for Winter Break