Short Week 15 in G1!
This week in reading, students learned to do a slow check to be sure their reading looks right, and to find and think about key words in nonfiction books. Students worked to edit an informational book, self-assessed their progress so far, and set a goal for their next teaching book in writing.
In math, students learned to use dimes and pennies to represent tens and ones, to decide if a number sentence is true or false, and to compare numbers using < “is less than,” > “is more than,” and = “is equal to.”
Students learned about sunrise and sunset and began to notice patterns on our class moon calendar.
On Friday, December 1, Grade 1 will take a field trip to Phora Durbar to learn about their air quality monitoring system as part of our service learning project. More information to come next week!
Miss Iris sent an email last week describing costumes for the music showcase in December. Before sending the items listed below to school, please be sure your child’s name is clearly written on EACH PIECE that belongs to you. I also recommend sending the costume pieces in one bag labeled with your child’s name. This will help us return costume items to you when the show is over.
- long black pants (black tights and a black skirt also work)
- long sleeve black shirt (if the shirt has some writing that is fine)
- black shoes (it is okay if there is some color but they should be mostly black)
- black socks (or tights)
As we approach the holidays, many of you may be making travel plans. If your child will miss any days of school, please contact me and Miss Pragya in advance so we can make arrangements for his/her absence before you leave.
Upcoming important dates:
- Friday 12/1 – G1 Field Trip to Phora Durbar
- Wednesday 12/6 – ES Music Showcase at 6pm in the Globe Theatre, reception starts at 5pm, students will remain on campus after school
- Friday 12/8 – ES Music Showcase at 8:45am in the Globe Theatre
- Friday 12/15 – 12:00pm dismissal for Winter Break