Week 19 in G1!
We spent time reviewing all of our classroom rules, routines, and good habits to start off the New Year. Students also set goals for themselves to work on to make 2018 even better than 2017!
The class finished our latest read-aloud book, Pippi Longstocking. Students voted on our next book and chose Mr. Popper’s Penguins!
We kicked off a new unit in writing this week. Students are working on persuasive pieces, sharing evidence to support opinions about the collection he/she brought to school. We will continue working with our collections next week, as well.
This week in math, we did a variety of New Year-related math review activities, focusing on measurement, using a number grid, and comparing numbers. Then, we began Unit 6. Students made his/her own clock with an hour hand to practice telling time. Encourage your student to read the “o’clock” times on the hour with you at home.
Thank you to parents who helped their students work on reading, writing, and math over the holidays! Please continue to have your child read for at least 15 minutes each night, practice sorting and writing word sort words daily, and use IXL to practice math skills at home.
Upcoming important dates:
- Friday, January 26 – 100th Day of School, more information to come
- Friday 2/2 – Grade 1 Art/Nepali Studies field trip, more information to come
- Monday 2/5 – ASA Showcase assembly at 8:00am in the Globe Theater
- Tuesday 2/6 – ASA Season 2 ends