Week 20 in G1!
In reading this week, we held a “book talk” on the book Frog and Toad Are Friends by Arnold Lobel. We analyzed the characters– thinking about their actions and feelings– and looked for a message about friendship from the author.
In writing, students continued to work on adding strong reasons to support his/her opinion, using the word “because” to tell more. We read several books that demonstrate persuasive writing, as well, such as I Wanna Iguana, Hey, Little Ant, and A Pet for Petunia. Students are still working with their collections, so they’ll stay safe at school next week, too.
During math, students reviewed telling time to the hour, determining if equations are true or false, making shapes, and using near-doubles facts.
We began a unit on maps and geography in social studies. Students explored maps and globes, noticing the similarities and differences and discussing uses for each.
Students will continue to practice the same word sorts next week. New sorts will come home Monday of the following week. For more ways to practice sort words at home, check out the Word Study post on the At Home Learning page of our class website!
Upcoming important dates:
- Friday 1/26 – 100th Day of School, Fabulous Friday assembly at 8:00am in the Globe Theater
- Monday 2/5 – ASA Showcase assembly at 8:00am in the Globe Theater
- Tuesday 2/6 – ASA Season 2 ends
- Thursday 2/8 – SAISA Opening Ceremony around 8:15am in the gym
- Thursday 2/15 to Monday 2/19 – Mini Break, no school