Week 31 in G1!
This week in reading, students practiced retelling a story after reading, by going back to tell the big events in order from beginning to end. This is something you can do with your child when reading at home!
We finished our latest read aloud book, The Story of Diva and Flea by Mo Willems, and began reading my favorite end-of-year book, Charlotte’s Web.
Students worked on writing a “book one” for their realistic fiction series, where their character is introduced with important details. They worked on adding realistic dialogue and action to their words, not just their pictures.
We continued in Unit 8 in math and students composed larger shapes out of 3D and 2D shapes, as well as practiced making “half-past” times on their clocks. Students also made a bar graph and then asked and answered questions about the data. Next week, students will take the Unit 8 assessment and we will start our final math unit for the year. Your child can practice the highlighted strands on IXL at home over the weekend to get ready for the assessment. It’s been a while since many students have logged in!
We began our last social studies unit for the year on economics this week. Students reviewed the difference between needs and wants and learned about the difference between goods and services. Ask your child to tell you about what they learned!
New word sorts will come home with your child on Monday. Be sure to help him/her practice sorting, reading, and writing the words. More activities can be found on the class website.
If your child will be leaving before the last day of school, Friday, June 1st, please let me know via email as soon as possible. This will help me make sure all assessments are complete and all student materials are gathered.
Upcoming important dates:
- Monday 4/16 – Nepali New Year Holiday, no school
- Tuesday 4/17 – Visiting author Ammi-Joan Paquette
- Friday 4/20 – Last Day of ASA Season 3
- Friday 4/27 – Fabulous Friday Assembly and ASA Season 3 Showcase, 8:00am in the Globe Theater
- Friday 4/27 – Aquathon, 4:00-7:00pm, see Mr. Davis’s email for more info
- Monday 4/30 – Swimming during PE class begins, more info to come
- Friday 5/4 – Spring Music Showcase, 9:00am in Globe Theater
- Saturday 5/5 – Spring Music Showcase, 2:00pm in Globe Theater, transportation provided