Week 36 in G1!
It was wonderful to see so many family and friends supporting us this morning at our last Reading & Writing Celebration for the year. I am proud of all that the students have accomplished this year and I hope you are, too! We are continuing to learn new skills and review previous skills in reading and writing for the remainder of the year.
In math this week, students finished the Everyday Math End-of-Year assessment. For the remainder of the year, we will be reviewing topics where students need more practice. Areas of focus will be on naming fractions, place value, telling and writing time to the half-hour, and a variety of addition and subtraction strategies.
This week in science, students worked with a group to show an answer to our big question for this unit: How can we use light or sound to communicate over a distance? Ask your child to tell you about how his/her group worked together to send messages with sound or light!
Please be sure students come prepared for swimming on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays! If you do not want your child to participate in swimming on a particular day for any reason, please inform both me and Mr. Craig via email.
Our last library day is Thursday next week and students will not be checking out new books. Please be sure to locate all library books over the weekend and return them to school by Thursday.
Upcoming important dates:
- Saturdays 5/19, 5/26 – Community Saturdays at LS from 9:00am-12:00pm, see Mr. Davis’s email for more info and to sign up
- Monday 5/21 to Friday 5/25 – Rock Out to Reading Week
- Thursday 5/24 – Last day of library for G1, be sure to return all books!
- Friday 5/25 – Last day of ASA Season 4
- Friday 5/25 – Fabulous Friday assembly at 2:30pm in the Globe Theater
- Friday 5/25 – Fun Swimming Finale after school, more info to come
- Thursday 5/31 – ES Activity Day, more info to come
- Friday, June 1- Assembly at 11:00am in the gym, 11:50am dismissal