Week 1: Welcome
August 4, 2018
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 4th grade at Lincoln School. My name is Joseph Jaureguy, Mr. J. for short, and I am thrilled to be your child’s teacher for the 2018/2019 school year. This is my second year teaching at Lincoln School, however, I have taught 6 years in Dubai and another 20 years in California. This will be my 28th year in education altogether. I will not be the only teacher supporting your child for the upcoming year. We have an excellent support team that will be working with your child too. In particular, Ms. Bijaya, our teacher assistant, has over 20 years of experience working with students at Lincoln School. Your child will also participate in a variety of classes including PE, Music, Art, Library, Technology, Counseling and French. I have attached the weekly schedule for your convenience.
Please send in a nutritional snack for the morning break, as their lunchtime is not until 12:30 PM. Appropriate snacks could be fruits, vegetables, cheese & crackers, yogurt or other healthy selections. Please avoid foods high in sugars and fats, and be conscious of nut allergies. Also, please provide a water bottle for your child to keep in the classroom, and remember a hat and sunscreen on sunny days when they are out on the field.
You are welcome to join us on Friday, August 10 at 8:00 AM for our Welcome Back Assembly, and I look forward to seeing you at Back-to-School Night on August 24th. This will
be an excellent opportunity to learn more about your child’s year, and gain a better understanding of Lincoln School’s curriculum and learning expectations for Grade 4.
I encourage you to take part in your child’s learning experience and communicate with me about any wishes or concerns you may have. I firmly believe in the old saying that it takes a village to raise a child, and I look forward to working together to best meet the needs of your child. I can be reached using my school email: jjaureguy@lsnepal.com, or via SMS during school hours: 980-110-1523. I am excited about the upcoming school year and look forward to a fun, yet successful year.
Best regards,
Joseph Jaureguy