Week 7 Update
This week was filled with telling stories in writing, hunting for rhyming words in books, secret numbers in math, and an introduction to science.
In reading, the kids have been working on pointing to each word on the page and making their voice match the print. They have also been working on using connecting words like next, then, after that, to link the pages in a story together from start to finish. As readers of old favorites, the kids are starting to say more and more of the exact words in the story. They are also changing their voices to sound like the characters.
In writing, they have been going back to finished pieces and fixing them up by adding labels to their pictures, adding more details to their pictures, or by adding more words to describe their picture. Earlier in the week, the kids celebrated their writing with the Grade 1 students. The Grade 1s came in and shared in the P1 writing success. They offered some tips to help make their writing easier to read and had so many compliments for their writing. The P1s are ready to keep moving forward adding more and more to their stories.
In math this week, the kids described triangles by the number of sides and vertices. They then compared different triangles by the length of the sides. They also learned a new counting game called “Gotcha” where there are special gotcha numbers that should not be said, but clapped, during the count sequence. If the number is said, the person who said it sits down and then the kids start again until there are two counters left.
We read a story called “Questions, Questions” and “What is Science?” to introduce science. The kids are inquisitive and we talked about how scientists ask lots of questions. They are excited to start asking questions of their own!
The snap words this week included: look, up, we, go and is. There were several activities sent home in their yellow folders, these are not mandatory to do. However, they will support your child’s learning. There are flashcards included that you could put on your fridge or anywhere that your child would be able to see and read.
Important Dates
Early-Release Day @ 11:50 am – Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Parent-Teacher Conferences – Friday, October 5, 2018 (no school for elementary students)
Dashain Holiday (No School) October 15-19
Spirit Week – October 22-26
SAISA – October 25-27
P1 Schedule
Monday – Art & Music
Tuesday – PE & Music & Library
Wednesday – PE/Health & Art
Thursday – Music & Art
Friday – PE & Music