For the second year, students from the upper elementary participated in a unique public speaking event called Pitch to the Panel. As part of their persuasive writing units, students crafted speeches based on a topic that they felt was a concern or needed to change...
Please read all the way to the end of this email for important information on upcoming end-of-year events! In reading, we finished a shared reading of the book George & Martha One More Time by James Marshall. Students practiced putting it all together and doing their very best...
Recently, the Grade 3 students journeyed to Sneha’s Care Dog Center to learn more about the concerns around street dogs in Kathmandu as well as spend some time taking care of the dogs. They found big dogs, little dogs, fluffy dogs, excited dogs, and puppies who...
This week in science, students worked with a group to show an answer to our big question for this unit: How can we use light or sound to communicate over a distance? First, we did more research in books and online. Then we worked with partners...
Our Learning This Week Literacy/Topic Mathematics Phonics Library Swimming Music...