Season 3 of our sports program has started off with a bang after our Service Nepal trips (more to come on these during International Day!) with a a number of back to back NISSA fixtures scheduled for our girls' football and boys' basketball teams to...

As we approach spring break, many of you may be making travel plans. If your child will miss any days of school, please contact me and Miss Pragya in advance so we can make arrangements for his/her absence before you leave. On Tuesday we took our Art/Nepali Studies field...

Good afternoon, Another fun and productive week in P1! Just a reminder that next Friday, March 16 is the date for Student-Led Conferences.There are still many times available. If you are unable to find a time that suits your schedule, please let me know. In reading, we...

International Day  International Day is on the calendar for Saturday, March 24th! International Day will highlight our student service-learning program and Service Nepal, commitment to global citizenship, and the school mission.  More details to come! Secondary School Conferences  Secondary conferences have been scheduled for Tuesday, March 20th from...

An important part of the elementary music program at Lincoln School is writing and creating music. We believe that each child is a composer and can write and perform original works. As part of our composer units, students used composition apps to craft pieces, as...